6 Ways To Generate More People To Your Instagram

Have you ever wondered, how do I get more followers on Instagram?

You are not alone when asking yourself this question. There are millions of Instagram users who are constantly trying to find new ways to increase their followers.

Those who are serious about increasing their activity, are contacting marketing firms so they can buy active Instagram followers, but there are other ways to make your page noticeable.

With more than one billion people using Instagram monthly you are sure to achieve your goals.

1. Buy Followers

Lately, the biggest trend on Instagram is to buy followers. This is the easiest way to get people to view the page and raise analytical numbers.

The trend helps improve your reputation and does not leave your wallet empty.

Risks are a big concern when taking this route to increase your following. Scammers are out to get your money, and it is at the expense of your organic followers and your Instagram account.

Beware marketers who are not sending people to your page that are not real. These new followers are robots, and they will make your page look like spam, which will run your true followers away.

2. Hashtag Searching

Searching with hashtags is the best way to find the people you want without cyphering through people who would not have an interest in what your page has to offer.

When you use hashtags you are also able to see the most trending topics of the specified niche. Remember, the most recent photos show up first, and those are the ones you want to follow you.

Make a list of the hashtags that others are using to get their numbers up, then use the same ones on your posts.

Utilizing hashtags is not only to search for people but you can also use them so people can find you.

If you use this feature and use many of them, you open the doors for viewers to walk in.

3. Instagram Suggestions

When someone goes to your page and hits the follow button, Instagram automatically suggests three other people who have the same interests.

Users don’t have the opportunity to choose who those people are, but if you an active user, then your account has a higher chance of being apart of the three; in return sending you another real follower.

Remember, before users decide to follow based on their suggestions, they will look at your bio.

Make sure the bio stands out and defines everything you are representing.

You want to be of value in someone’s life and being a suggestion will get you there.

4. Instagram Live Stream

Videos are a sure way to catch the attention of Instagram account holders. They are able to see you in action, and it brings them comfort to know that you are a real person.

When your account is live, followers see a ring highlighting the profile pictures notifying them that they can view the live stream.

If you follow this type of attention-getter, your followers will tell their friends with similar interests to come to check you out.

5. Contests And Giveaways

Giving something to your followers for free, allows them to know that you care.

Don’t you like to receive free or products at a reduced price?

You have control over your Instagram page. Promote with loop contests, promote with specific hashtags, and tag your friends in comments so they can share the news.

The quality of gained followers will not be the same because these people are only trying to win what you have for them, but at least you getting them to engage in your activity.

6. Cross-Promote From Other Platforms

Social media platforms are the way people share what they think is funny, makes no sense at all, or overall informative to their followers.

Sharing what you have on other social media platforms, such as Facebook or Snapchat, increases the chance of people finding you on Instagram.

Multiplying exposure allows for limitless potentials to grow revenue and equity of the brand.

Memorable posts are of value because they are enhancing the lives of your followers; the people who see them will migrate to every platform that displays your name.


Stay Active-Watch The Numbers Grow

The work you put in to grow followers and to keep them should not be in vain.

Instagram users want to see you active. Take the time to like and comment under their posts because in return you may trigger someone to follow you.

You also want to reply to direct messages in a decent amount of time; this allows potential followers to know that you are engaged just as much as them.

When you see trending accounts on Instagram it shows these account holders are engaging their followers.

Now that you have the tools to grow your followers utilize them right away. You will not be disappointed.