We’ve all had moments of frustration at work – some leading to hastily crafted emails or thoughtless tweets. The Creative Group has some online etiquette tips that can save you, your product or company from disaster.
As the creative staffing agency notes, one flip comment in today’s digital world can go viral, quickly damaging a career and more. Before you hit send or share, consider these five online etiquette rules:
1. Don’t vent.
While frustration, stress and anger are natural emotions, your first priority should be to remain professional. Nothing you share online or in an email should be considered private.
2. Be considerate.
Never say anything rude or inappropriate about your company, colleagues, clients or other business contacts – even the competition. You never know who might see it or who you may need assistance from in the future.
3. Pause before hitting send.
If an incident or conversation leaves you heated, stop and take a breath to gain perspective on how to respond. If you do compose an email or post while emotions are fresh, clear your head before you send or share.
4. Pick up the phone.
In certain situations, it may be better to pick up the phone or meet face to face than shoot off an email or IM to resolve a sticky situation.
5. Acknowledge your mistake.
The best way to recover from a mistake, digital or otherwise, is to own up to it and make amends if you’ve offended someone.
For more tips, visit the TCG Blog
You might also like to read:Your Business Etiquette Questions Answered
The Creative Group specializes in placing a range of highly skilled interactive, design and marketing professionals with a variety of firms. For more information, please visit creativegroup.com.