June Cleaver is Dead. Or so says ad agency WONGDOODY, which has launched an inhouse marketing consultancy of the same name that seeks to flip the script on how brands are reaching the modern mom in advertising. Founders Skyler Mattson and Pam Fujimoto are challenging what has been established as the norm for brands in order to create better and more relatable content for moms – be it a single mom, foster mom, step-mom or mom of five – who today control an estimated $2 trillion in consumer spending. The new consultancy is a call-to-action for marketers to go more than surface-deep, and throw away strategies targeted at stereotypes like the 1950s housewives in Leave It To Beaver-like settings – which is where they got the name. Mattson and Fujimoto say that deciding to launch the consultancy was easy since WONGDOODY “celebrates motherhood in every sense of the word” including the fact that 50% of the executive team is female.
June Cleaver Is Dead and the Modern Mom is Born