Uncommon Identity For Vimeo Features Resolution As Design Choice


Uncommon Creative Studio’s new design system for Vimeo reimagines a core aspect of video resolution not just as a technical feature but as a design choice. The result is a design system where resolution isn’t merely a visual detail  but a central, functional element. Uncommon’s approach involved creating traditional brand components employing generative tools to modulate their resolution. This concept was brought to life during REFRAME, Vimeo’s inaugural video innovation conference.



In the lead up to the event, media installations showcased posters with resolutions that varied based on their proximity to the venue. Distant locations featured low-resolution images, which progressively sharpened to ultra-high-definition the closer they got to the site, mirroring the evolution of video technology.



According to Nils Leonard, Uncommon Creative Studio’s co-founder, “We loved the idea that media could work like vision, or like resolution itself — that the closer you got to the venue, the sharper and more hi res the executions would get. It was the perfect canvas for the resolution part of the identity to play in and was a game we felt the REFRAME audience would enjoy as they made their way to the event.”