Neenah Character, the third in a series of 3D paper promotions, continues to explore creative packaging ideas with premium papers – and is once again housed in a creative package. Design Army collaborated with Neenah to develop the promotion and, explains Pum Lefebure, Design Army’s Co-Founder & Chief Creative Officer, “we want people to think of paper as more than just paper — it’s a versatile material, just like fabric or metal, and it can have a three-dimensional form.”
Neenah Character is comprised of five of today’s distinct “consumer characters” each representing different demographics and branches of the retail industry, with a compelling and useful look at “who are they?” and “what hooks them?” According to Lefebure, “The content is trend-driven, but these are long-term trends that will affect retailers for years to come.”
Collectively the characters — The Digi-Generation, The New Shopaholic, The Artisan Crafters, The Savvy Socials, and The Eco Evangelizers — showcase a multitude of Neenah Packaging papers, interesting dielines, and printing techniques, all presenting the idea that packaging is an extension of a brand’s character and can be significant tool in attracting for the target customer.
Among the Neenah “characters”:
The Savvy Socials: Devoted to cultivating their online personas alongside their real-life personalities, these image-conscious consumers are quick to sniff out products and brands that feel inauthentic. Iridescent digital printing paper like STARDREAM® Papers in Crystal catches the eye of even the most device addicted shopper.
The Digi-Generation: Plastic is out, paper is in — especially when paper can look this cool. Silver Gloss Revolution Holo Foil and blind deboss make sustainable, and 100% paper-based, Neenah ImageMax™ Paper Card and Neenah DuraMax™ Paper Card the perfect alternative for plastic retail cards.
The Eco Evangelizers: Sustainability has never been so stylish or sleek, and an eco-friendly iteration of practically every product is simply a click away. A light bulb package doubles as a lampshade with a minimalist pairing of recycled NEENAH® Folding Board and ENVIRONMENT® Papers with white ink.
Jamie Saunders, Marketing Communications Manager, Fine Paper and Packaging, Neenah Paper adds: “Neenah is always striving to inspire designers by introducing new papers, new techniques, and new ideas. We hope the Neenah Character promotion helps designers think about paper differently, consider paper as a possible driver in design, because often times a customer’s first introduction to the brand is through paper, when they pick up the package, hold it and interact with it.”
Learn more about all of the characters included in this must-explore promotion by contacting your local sales rep for your very own Neenah Character promotion.