Line Between Web and App Design Blurs

Access to better internet connections and design tools are giving designers more flexibility to use techniques – such as video, custom typography and animation – that were off-limits a few years ago and are now bridging the gap between devices. So says Carrie Cousins, an industry veteran,  and design contributor at UXPin where she co-authored the free ebook Web Design Trends 2015-2016.

Her primary takeaway, in a post entitled Beyond Design Trends: Timeless User Interface Techniques. The line between apps and websites is dissolving. Early indicators show that more designers are pulling concepts from apps and small-screen website design into all of their projects.

Other trends that Cousins says are starting to become best practices include:

  1. Even Bigger Video and Cinematography:
    Full-on cinema-style videos that include a story.
  2. Interactions Everywhere:
    More gamification and more micro-interactions between websites or apps and users.
  3. Full Screen Navigation:
    The hamburger icon has evolved from a swing down, traditional form of navigation to a full-screen navigation tool.
  4. Bigger Typography:
    From increased body copy to oversized headlines, users have acquired a taste for creative typography
  5. Return of the Scroll:
    User are embracing scroll in a major way thanks to effects such as parallax, animation and familiarity because of mobile usage.
  6. Continued Flat Evolution:
    Especially due to the large adoption rate of the Google-based Material Design
  7. Tiny Animations:
    Successful movement in website design does not have to be in your face. Subtle actions are the best uses of movement in design.