Submittable FAQ

Submittable is an award application service that is used by many organizations and agencies. It is possible that you may have used it before for other award applications. In this case, you may continue to use the account you have set up previously for GDUSA’s awards.

If you have not used Submittable before, you will need to create a new account for yourself. Don’t worry that you are being “Welcomed Back!” In the same screen, you can simply navigate to the tab that allows you to “Sign Up”, highlighted below.


Create a username and password by filling out the form and proceed to GDUSA’s entry page to complete the submission process.

You will be asked to submit images or videos comprising your submission for review by the GDUSA awards team. Submittable will limit each individual file upload to be no more than 400MB and will limit each full entry to be no more than 800MB in size.

However, for the ease of review by the GDUSA’s awards team, we recommend that the entry be at least 300 dpi and at least 5 inches in width when translated to a physical page.

If you are submitting a video for review, we ask that you include at least one screenshot that you feel best represents the submission with your entry. You are limited to no more than 5 uploads with each entry; if you are only submitting one video, you may therefore include up to four (4) screenshots that best represent your entry.



If your entry has been selected as a winner, congratulations on your achievement! You will have been sent one WINNER’S FORM for each entry that has been selected as a winner. This form asks you fill out some additional information, such as whether you’d like to order certificates or plaques to commemorate your achievement and whether you’d like your winning submission to be published in GDUSA’s next magazine issue. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: Each WINNER’S FORM is tied to that specific winning entry. If more than one of your submissions has been selected as a winner, you will be asked to fill out one WINNER FORM for each of your winning entries.

You may access the WINNER’S FORM in one of two ways:

  1. Access through the email (Recommended if you have one winning entries)

The email that you received announcing that your entry has been selected as a winner contains a direct link to the associated WINNER FORM, as seen below. 

Clicking this link will take you to the Submittable website and open the form up for you. You can complete the form and pay directly for any selected options on the Submittable website.

2. View all winning submissions on your Submittable account (Recommended if you have more than one winning entry)

If you log into your Submittable, you will be able to see all of your previous submissions. Winning entries for which you have been asked to fill out a WINNER’S FORM will appear with a small clipboard icon next to them, as seen below. 

When you click on the entry, you will be able to see the original contents of your submission under the “FORM” tab, highlighted below.

You will be able to access the relevant WINNER’S FORM under the “FORMS” tab. Open forms will be available here. Click that row to complete the WINNER’S FORM for that winning entry.

If more than one of your submissions has been selected as a winner, you have received one email for each of your winning submissions. The link at the bottom of each email is tied to that specific winning entry. You will need to fill out and pay separately under each WINNER’S FORM corresponding to each winning entry.