Last winter, GDUSA introduced a ‘Designing For Good’ category as part of our annual Graphic Design Awards program. Here is the 5th in a series of articles that explore the winners, the creative challenges, and the impact.
Tag: GDUSA Blog
Creative Talent: Go Global and Beyond!
David Fiore of Haddad & Partners on why the Star Trek USS Enterprise crew provides a role model for assembling a world-class remote, diverse and collaborative creative team.
Your Search Ends Here
Your search for timesheet and project management software specifically for creative professionals ends here. FunctionFox’s software will give you more time to be creative and stay creative. Get a free demo at
Meg Beckum on Authentic Healthcare Design
Meg Beckum, executive creative director at design consultancy Elmwood, on why healthcare organizations need to move on from a cold and clinical approach to brand design.
The Future of Sales: Creating A Digital Experience
Award winning designer Krystal Pratt argues that the use of digitally interactive sales material creates not only a pandemic proof sales process but a more immersive experience for the future of design.
Haddad & Partners Out For Blood
Fairfield CT-based award-winning creative agency Haddad & Partners planned its Halloween party around a local blood drive.
Top 5 Reasons To Attend MAX 2022
MAX is one of the largest gatherings of graphic, web, UX, and multi-skilled designers. GDUSA readers save $400 on a full conference pass with promo code M22GDUSA. In-person attendance is limited so register early at
Deroy Peraza: Branding Nonprofits Is Different From Companies
Branding commercial enterprises and purpose-centric nonprofits are two vastly different projects, argues Deroy Peraza, and the reasons for those differences are important to understand.
Carbon Footprint Of Online Advertising Is Significant
fifty-five, a global MarTech consultancy conducted a study on the carbon impact of advertising campaigns, with a primary focus on digital. The study is available as an open-source tool.
Phil Hamlett: Alexa Show Changes The Conversation
As a former AIGA national board member and co-author of The Living Principles for Design, Phil Hamlett discusses how designers must stretch and grow as design breaks free from print and even screens.
Gwen O’Brien: Crypto, NFTs and Design
An interview with Gwen O’Brien, an award-winning designer, currently working on her latest project, Design X Collective, a decentralized design studio in the metaverse. She specializes in NFTs, the blockchain, and the future of graphic design.
How Modern Tools Are Reshaping Creative Workflows
Alan Reuter of MCD Partners on three ways the creative workflow is making the design and development process more team-oriented and collaborative.
Comment: It’s OK To ‘Sell Out’
Why is there still a certain snobbishness about ‘commercial work’ and a squeamishness about the business side of the industry?
Rachel Zorel: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!
Thoughts from Rachel Zorel of 7 Layer Studio on how business leaders must redefine the ‘Work/Life Balance’ in the pandemic landscape. ‘Have your cake and eat it too!’ is about taking control of your schedules and respecting the precious resource of time.
Graziani: Creating Symbols And Icons For Genre Fiction
Graziani’s graphic research into the fictional world results in an extensive visual encyclopedia of fictional icons inspired by novels, graphic novels, books, comics, film archives, dramas, and a host of other media.
Ruffin: Where Are All The Black People?
Amber Ruffin will give the keynote address at the 11th edition of the One Club’s Where Are All The Black People (WAATBP) diversity conference and career fair, taking place virtually September 29-30.
Planting A Seed For A More Diverse Graphic Design Industry
Summer Studio is a pilot program to introduce inner-city students to graphic design as a profession. DJ Haddad led the course in an effort to spotlight that there is a whole world of high-paying careers that exist for the creatively inclined.
Unlock Your Team’s Potential With A Learning Culture
Diane Domeyer, executive director of the creative and marketing practice at Robert Half, with insights on how creative leaders can help their team thrive by embracing a culture of continuous learning.
The Future Of Gas Stations Will Need Better Design
Paul Woods of Edenspiekermann on the future design of gas stations and how the experience must be refreshed from the ground up in order for them to remain relevant and profitable.
Now Is A Big Idea’s Best Time
Andy Askren of Grady Britton: As companies get so few chances to encourage consumers to make brand changes, now is the time for a Big Idea designed to get their attention.
Integrating A ‘PHD’ Strategy Across Brand Channels
Ryan Schmidt of Landor & Fitch contends that now is the time for brand leaders to reconsider how brand experiences truly integrate the physical, human, and digital to deliver authenticity and truth.
Sales Guys Bragging About New Cars …
DJ Haddad, graphic designer and successful entrepreneur two-times over, recounts the story about what motivated him to start his own agency.
David Langton: Lessons From The Improv
What does a business forecast look like when most of your clients are closed or working part-time? Creative director and business leader David Langton suggests it’s time to listen to improv comedians who do this all the time.
Thoughts On Branding In A Pandemic
Though it may seem difficult, this pandemic may be the right time to establish or pivot to re-establish a distinctive position in a potential customer’s mind.
Thomas Hull: The Value of Riffing
Legendary designer Thomas Hull, of Rigsby Hull and a professor at SCAD, on the need to pivot, jam or riff in these times of unpredictability.
Craig Black: Surviving The Coronavirus Crisis
Graphic designer Craig Black on the keys to business survival and mental well-being during the coronavirus crisis.
TerDawn DeBoe: My Son, My Client
Graphic designer TerDawn DeBoe executed a project for her son and re-learned some valuable lessons.
4 Reasons Why Graphic Design Is So Important In Business
Why is graphic design important to businesses? Here are four reasons.
Josh Kelly: Stop Making Websites That Party Like It’s 1999
The point of a website is to make it easy and rewarding for people to engage with your brand, not to wow them with innovation for innovation’s sake.
FunctionFox Celebrates 20th Year With Free Demo
In recognition of its 20th anniversary, a free demo from a leader in time tracking and project management software.
Website Design Captures Spirit of Collaboration
Level Group has designed a website for Express Newark that invites and promotes collaboration between the Newark and Rutgers University communities.
A Day In The Life Of An Academy of Art University Film Student
A glimpse into what it is like to be a student at The Academy of Art University and its School of Motion Pictures & Television.
Jody Graff: Educator To Watch 2019
Jody Graff of Drexel University’s Westphal College of Media Arts & Design is a respected teacher and administrator, with a robust private practice. She is also one of a selected group of 2019 GDUSA Educators To Watch.
3 Ways To Increase Your Online Revenue
Here are three easy strategies for boosting revenue from your online store.
Engaging Palettes From WeddingWire x Pantone
The Pantone Color Institute has partnered with WeddingWire to deliver inspirational palettes for wedding planning.
Tonian Irving: Advantages Of An Unconventional Career Path
Tonian Irving, a Senior Producer at experience design agency HUSH, on why a life lived outside design can make you a better designer.
10 UX Designers to Watch
Adobe’s new UX Designers to Watch program, in its inaugural list, is spotlighting ten UX designers who are still relatively early in their careers, but already pushing the profession’s boundaries.
Sean Loose Designs US Open Theme Art
Sean Loose, an illustrator for and an appreciative SCAD graduate, has created illustrations that are the face of this year’s U.S. Open.
Jason Rosenberg: Ten Years Later
Ten years after moving to New York City from San Francisco (and a decade after being a GDUSA Person To Watch), Anthem Senior Creative Director Jason Rosenberg catches us up on what he’s been doing and has some thoughts on what has changed.
Alexander Jutkowitz: A Meditation On Time
SJR recently designed and built a Time Machine to deconstruct the modern relationship between man and screen. Instead of snacks or drinks, it vends moments of time and experience.