Legendary designer Ken Carbone, a recipient of the 2012 AIGA medal, is currently a Senior Advisor to the Chicago-based strategic branding firm 50,000feet. He shares with us ten designers, then and now, who have inspired him.
Tag: paul rand
Janet Odgis: What I Learned From The Legends
Janet Odgis’ reflections on what she learned from three of the most respected designers-teachers at Yale.
Paying Homage to Paul & Saul
Guest blog post by Kevin Hall.
Top 10 Poster Designs of the Past 50 Years
Top 10 Poster Designs of the Past 50 Years
Most Influential Designer of the Past 50 Years
We surveyed our readers and asked them, “Who is the Most Influential Designer of the Past 50 Years?
Quotables: Paul Rand on Simplicity
“Simplicity is not the goal. It is the by-product of a good idea and modest expectations.” -Paul Rand, Named One of the Most Influential Designers of the Past Half-Century