Title: Little People Collector Packaging (Dia De Muertos, Go Bills, Avatar, & Christmas Vacation) Designers: Chelsea Turton, Terry Ameno, Nick Langswagner, Randy Edington, Algae Fung Illustrators: Ken Townsend, Dario Brizuela, Mona Daly Copywriter: Patty Hall Package Engineers: Michelle Conwell, Ben Brooks, Tomy Leung Package & Structure Managers: Janeen Mears, Steve Ebert Director of Packaging: Lisa Allard VP, Brand Creative: Erik Jobson
Title: Thomas & Friends Wooden Railway Packaging Designers: Terry Ameno, Lara Lu Illustrator: Peter Bull Copywriter: Pam Mogensen Package Engineers: Shannon Lyon, Eva Lu Package & Structure Managers: Randy Edington, Steve Ebert Director of Packaging: Lisa Allard VP, Brand Creative: Erik Jobson