For the greater part designers have very few clients that are downers. The vast majority will tell you at the opening of conversations that their business is on the way up. Profits are up, clients are up, sales are up, the better part of their world is on the up and up. It’s usually once you move beyond the direction their future is headed that they’ll start to share the meaty part of their venture that will give you the most value in building a brand story. This said, there are those times when an uplifting mark is really what’s called for and this year things must have been looking up. Part of the challenge of dealing with rising fortunes is the cliché arrow has been utilized to excess. This year there seems to be a trend that embraces the lift but presents it in a refreshing format. Designers have taken the opportunity to not only indicate a direction but exhibit velocity of achievement at the same time.
The upward triangular arrows are built from linear segments that indicate a sequence of thrust as a primary message. Each line chronicles a stage in a process that may relate back to the core of your client’s procedures or steps they take in a patented process of improvement. Some of these marks show the acceleration of a juggernaut strapped to a rocket and others give the impression they’ve reached cruising speed and are holding steady. Note that another demonstration of the process is to colorize each step to indicate the intensity of each subsequent layer. Here’s hoping for a long life for this trend and an upward track for all.