Adobe is making branding changes to ensure that their portfolio continues to be easy for their customers to navigate and understand, as well as to maintain a fresh look and feel. The current Adobe logo has represented the company since 1993. To focus on ensuring the mark is as functional as possible at all sizes and across all surfaces, Adobe has shifted to a single color, all-red logo, and has refreshed the specific color red to be warmer and more contemporary.
Color also plays an important role in the way Adobe expresses Creative Cloud. The new Creative Cloud logo brings the colors of their product brands and their new corporate red together into one gradient that represents the importance of creativity. They are also increasing the weight of the Creative Cloud logo to increase legibility and scalability.
Adobe is also using color to organize products into categories such as Video & Motion or Photography, to ensure customers can easily find the products they need. Creative Cloud and all product logos will have rounded corners so that the system can accommodate the range of operating systems and devices their products can be used on. They are removing the border for that reason as well.