Branding agency Noise 13 has refreshed cannabis-infused wellness brand OM with a system hierarchy works that across a variety of form factors and helps provide a sense of luxury. The product line runs the gamut from cannabis-infused Epsom salts, elixers and edibles to balms and beyond. The heart of the project is the redesign of the the sacred Sri Yantra symbol to a more elegant line art style, while the rest of the packaging is purposefully minimal and clean for balance. Previously, the client utilized a filled-in gray version of the symbol as a textural background image; the new line-art version of the symbol is placed more prominently on the packaging in gold.
In addition, the Noise 13 team removed a crown from the logomark in a technical effort to make the brand more legible at small sizes, and to maximize the amount of space it could take up without skewing the information hierarchy of the packaging. They also slightly increased the vibrancy of the color palette to reflect the energy and passion that OM puts into its products. These design decisions were also influenced by the desire to make OM a more gender neutral brand overall.