NYC Opt Out: Design Goes Grassroots

If you’ve been keeping up with the press these days you probably have seen many reports about the growing opt-out movement against high-stakes testing sweeping the country. What you may not have known is that GDUSA’s Creative Director Ilana Greenberg designed the logo for NYC Opt Out, a highly diverse grassroots movement of parents throughout New York City who have come together to share information about the New York State tests and their effects on children, teachers, and schools.

Parents from across New York City have worked tirelessly trying to educate parents about their rights and each parent has donated not only time but their expertise to the cause. “What is so interesting about a grassroots movement,” says Ilana, “is that design is such a vital component of getting your message across but so many small non-profits groups lack the funding and skills to organize and brand themselves. I was very happy to be able to contribute to a cause I am so passionate about and hopefully spread the message in a more effective way.”

The full campaign includes t-shirts, buttons, banners and literature that has been distributed at rallies, in schools and through social media.



The group recently launched a social media campaign that focused on parents and their reasons for refusing the New York State Common Core tests. The design was executed by Ilana Greenberg and the concept was created by Michael Elliot, a film editor and parent who is also a member of NYC Opt Out. It was important that the campaign was implemented in Spanish as well as English, to reflect the diverse population that the group is trying to educate. 




You can find out more information about NYC Opt Out on their Facebook page.