Guest Blog Post by The Creative Group
As part of this year’s Creative Team of the Future, we asked more than 750 designers to name the one person, living or dead, who most inspires them creatively. Following are five of the most interesting answers (in no particular order) along with thoughts from survey respondents on why these people are so inspiring.
“I love her work, and her professional story inspires me. She’s done a lot of esteemed work, but she also seems accessible. That makes me feel like I have the power to push my own career in whatever direction I choose.”
“I love the attention to detail she places on her work. I also like how she looks at problems from a new perspective and uses objects that the rest of us may not think of.”
“I heard Allan speak at the AIGA Design Conference in Minneapolis in 2013 and loved the passion he has for his work and in sharing his work and life. He strikes me as someone who loves and lives design and that inspires me to do the same.”