Scott Thares of Wink says:
“Wink is a design firm that crafts brands with wit that inspire and impact commerce and culture. Since our start in 2000, we have made it our mission to donate our design services and thinking to a non-profit entity or organization with causes that we believe in each year. We jokingly referred to it as our ‘get out of hell free card.’ Since then, we have helped out food shelters, religious institutions, LGBT causes, at risk youth and disaster relief organizations.”
Ready, Set, Smile is a nonprofit founded to improve the oral health of Minneapolis children. The belief is that with preventive services and a caring environment, all children can be free of dental disease. The Wink designers sought to make the branding simple, fun and accessible, especially to school age children where English may not be their first language.
Photograph of Wink Team: Lauren Krysti