Sagmeister & Walsh Want To Bring Back Beauty

Stefan Sagmeister and Jessica Walsh love beauty. But according to the two world-class designers, beauty is too often not a guiding principle for other designers. “In the design world today, most respected practitioners claim not to be interested in it,” the pair argue in their new book Sagmeister & Walsh: Beauty.


Accordingly, the two designers set out on a mission: to find out what beauty is and the many ways that it impacts our lives. In their journey, they turn to philosophy, history, and science to understand and explain why we are drawn to beauty and how it influences the way we feel and behave. Determined to translate their findings into action, Sagmeister & Walsh seek to demonstrate how beauty can improve the world: “We believe that beauty itself is function. Without it, nothing ever really works well.”



Both Sagmeister and Walsh, separately, have graced the cover of GDUSA over the years. Their new book is published by Phaidon and is available now.