Odgis + Co Arc Refreshes Jackson Lewis Brand

1,000+ Lawyers Focused On Workplace Law

Since 1958, Jackson Lewis P.C.’s 1,000+ attorneys have been practicing in major cities nationwide focused on complex workplace law challenges. Odgis + Co has refreshed the Jackson Lewis brand by creating a messaging platform and design system to reflect Jackson Lewis’ sophistication in their process of addressing employees and the workplace.

Maintaining some aspects of the former brand, such as its logo and basic color palette, Odgis + Co transformed and expanded them identity in a new brand system. They created the Arc, a key brand asset, which is derived from the negative space formed by the union of Jackson Lewis’ initials “JL.” The Arc form contains a right angle, metaphorically referencing the firm’s linear legal nature, combined with a curve, suggesting the humanistic side of collaborative relationships. The visual device is used throughout the system in many ways to create a distinctive brand.



Odgis + Co paired the original color palette with a set of darker shades of the colors to be used predominately, employing their original brighter colors as accents. They redesigned the typographic approach, photographic direction, and icon depiction to emphasize the firm’s crisp, clear, professional approach.



Finally, Odgis + Co created a brand style manual and an overall look and feel for their assets and touchpoints. Additionally, they designed the identity for a new line of products which are being developed along with special events. The brand transformation is an ongoing process in which Odgis + Co is actively engaged.