Elysian Brewing Company has commissioned a series of murals as part of a national artist program called “Mischief Makers.” The brewery tapped five artists representing five cities across the United States – Austin, New York, Orlando, San Francisco and the brewery’s Seattle home – and tasked them with making graffiti-esque street art-like mischief in their hometowns in the form of a mural. Each mural in the campaign seeks to reinterpret the whimsical labels of the brewery’s two flagship beers, Space Dust IPA and Dayglow IPA.
Participating artists include:
Timothy Goodman (New York)
Sophie Roach (Austin)
Ian Ross (San Francisco)
Earl Funk (Orlando) and Benjamin Madison (Seattle). Elysian officials say that inciting curiosity is at the root of brewery’s founding, beers, communications and culture.