Milky Supplement Package Has Compact Footprint

Easily Portable For the Lactose Intolerant

Milky has released a stylish, ultra-slim packaging for their lactase enzyme supplement – that lactose-intolerant people will feel comfortable using in public. The company teamed up with Burgopak to create an easily portable pack, so customers can always have it with them. The tablets, encased in a blister pack, are within a wallet-friendly sleeve. Milky was founded by Khai Pham, who wanted to enjoy his favorite Baskin Robins ice cream without having to worry about carrying around a bulky packet of tablets or bottle of lactase supplement.

Rosie Reardon, CEO at Burgopak, said: “This was a great project to work on as Milky truly understands that the right packaging can build a brand. Milky has put the customer right at the center of everything and created something totally different. Together we landed on the ‘cabrio’ pack as a great fit coupled with a simple mailer. It has a compact footprint and fun opening experience that makes you smile.”



Mikey Waite, packaging expert who commissioned Burgopak on behalf of Milky, adds: “Milky’s meticulous commitment to blending convenience with sophistication extends to every detail from the tablets themselves to the packaging. Partnering with Burgopak ensures Milky’s product not only stands out but enhances the overall user experience, perfectly complementing Milky’s premium quality.”