George Lavender is a British designer and art director based in Los Angeles CA. Currently, he is a Design Director at COLLINS. Previously, he worked at Mother Design in New York and London. George is a versatile creative, with a holistic approach that converts strategic thinking into engaging design for brands of all shapes and sizes.
Selected clients include: Nike, Instagram, Clubhouse, Match, Medium, Sweetgreen, BBC, New York Fashion Week, Barbican, and Lil Nas X.
His work has been displayed in London’s Design Museum, written about in The New York Times and recognized by Ad Age, D&AD, Young Guns, The One Show, the Art Directors Club, and the Type Directors Club.
Looking forward, are you optimistic about the role of graphic design in business, society, culture and causes?
Design is an agent of change, and change is what drives me forward. To go beyond boundaries and discover new frontiers. But design must be wielded with intention; and as designers, we must challenge the way things have “always been done” in favor of new perspectives and evolved understanding. Only then can design help shape a world that is more accessible, diverse and enjoyable for everyone.
Have the challenges of the past two years changed the way you approach your work?
My approach to design has always been flexible. No two projects or clients are ever the same. This has taught me to adapt and reinvent, time after time. I started at COLLINS in March 2020 (a true age of innocence). Since then, I’ve moved from New York to LA, from a bustling office to a home office – yet my world has expanded. The last two years have educated me. To new ways of collaborating, researching, learning, teaching, sharing, connecting, presenting. I have a new sense of purpose within design, and this is just the beginning.