Paper promotions and samples. Absolutely. Essential. And fundamental to the client’s comfort level with recommendations and decisions. No doubt about it at all.
Yes, the paper mill pieces are always inspiring, and timely colors, fonts, design trends and styles are usually incorporated. Love!
Absolutely, important, yes! Clients need to see what the substrate looks and feels like.
Paper samples and print demonstrations are important. Clients understand the brand better when they use tactile information.
We need them from the paper mills because sometimes our print reps don’t deliver the samples that we envision so it’s helpful for our team to be able to show them to the client.
Yes, visual aids are necessary because clients have a hard time imagining the result, but when they see and hold a beautiful example they want print.
Paper and print demonstrations are still useful for most customer-focused items and projects.
I find them very useful if the papers are used in actual sample prototypes … swatches, in and of themselves, aren’t all that help. Yes, of course. Swatchbooks and demonstrators are a must-have.
I do not find them as important as in the past. Much is printed through online resources to save money, or turn around is so rushed, that it’s a luxury we don’t have.
Sometimes those pieces are useful, but not as much as they used to be, at least for the lower budget assignments I receive.
It makes such a difference to be able to preview the weight, color, texture, and finish! Print is still crucial and necessary. Digital work is also crucial and necessary, but it has not been at the cost of print.
Swatchbooks and promotions are not as important as they used to be, but they are still helpful.
There will always be a need for paper samples and demonstrations of what is possible. Just because we think it looks right on the screen doesn’t always have that result when printed.