Guest Blogpost by Rule 29. Celebrating its 15th anniversary, the well-known firm is headed by Principle and Creative Director Justin Ahrens.
What’s the color of #happy? Or what about the color of #creative? What are we talking about? At Rule29, we are always seeking to cultivate our power of imagination and see things in a new way. We’ve been asking the question, “How is the world seeing right now?” Now we can give an answer to that question.
We have developed ColorOf, a new internal project that’s an experiment of human interaction and color representation. You can now search popular hashtags posted in Instagram, and see the colors that people are using to express that moment. Type in your favorite hashtag, and watch ColorOf render the predominant colors of the latest Instagram posts associated with the hashtag you choose. Without getting too bogged down with the specifics, it goes through a two-step filtering process that pulls the colors and gets rid of repeats. The outcome is an interesting collection of colors that make up moments we choose to save and share in life – the moments that color our lives.
This whole process works in real time meaning that the same hashtag can render different images at different times. The saying goes that you can never stick your foot into the same river twice, and depending on how active a given hashtag is, the same could be said for ColorOf! Watch how moods and colors change with the constant stream of new uploads.
Interact and play with our new project. The Rule29 Team wanted to try something new for their 15th anniversary, and they’re happy with the result! You can increase the number of color strips, shift and rotate the image, and change the order of colors to make interesting pieces of art. We love customizing and tweaking the images to discover new patterns and tones. Curious to see how it works? Experiment with us, and look at how the world is seeing today.