jLinton design (jLd) was established by Jennifer Linton in 2013 after almost two decades of in-house art direction and publication design in the healthcare sector. Initial plans for the singularly staffed freelance design studio were broad. Projects have included ads, billboards, convention collateral, wayfinding graphics, brochures, logos/ identities and websites. Pro bono work brought unforeseen enlightenment of humans’ heavy footprint on our planet. This critical awareness has been folded into the mission and operations of jLd. The clincher was joining the Climate Reality Leadership Corps (CRLC), which was pivotal to transforming the goals and perspective for the firm. The practice now boasts 100% wind power, recycling to the fullest extent of availability, virtual client communications, travel via a hybrid car (soon to be electric), and digital work encouraged over print. Ten percent of net profits are donated annually to an environmental group, and nonprofit clients receive priority and a reduced rate. Disposables and plastic (especially water bottles) are nixed whenever possible. Nonprofits and businesses with a corporate social responsibility (CSR) business model or B Corporations are sought clients primarily because that’s where true alignment and magic happens, where like minds can make a powerful difference.
jLd connected with others looking to start a nonprofit environmental educational group. Climate Conscious was formed as a means of disseminating the available yet not widely shared news and data available on human impact on the environment with the general public who are vastly unaware. Their goal is to be the platform for redefining changing climate as squarely the human issue that it is ‒ maintaining clean air, water and soil for sustainable life ‒ over corporate and energy practices which are decimating our planet. The group primarily focuses on reaching an audience on Facebook and other social media platforms. jLd created a logo and hashtag (#IAmClimateConscious), a striking website that will grow with the nonprofit, social media accounts and graphics, and select statement products for citizens to don to show their support for keeping climate change in the forefront of American minds. Graphics are created and disseminated on a regular basis with quick, powerful statements or data plucked from current environmental news that can be easily digested within contemporary lives via popular social media outlets.