Harley-Davidson Posters Promote Online Series

A new online docu-series and Discovery Channel special from Harley-Davidson invites viewers to tag along on a life-changing journey across Canada with an international group of riders. Common Ground highlights their journey celebrating 100 years of the historic Harley-Davidson brand in Canada. Part foreign exchange, part road trip, the three-part online series sees each of the three riders paired with a Canadian host. “The fact that the Discovery Channel is doing a special on our series shows that branded content can be entertaining, enlightening and cross cultural,” says Zak Mroueh, CCO and Founder at Zulu, agency of record for Harley Davidson.


To promote the series, Zulu worked with renowned illustrator Adi Gilbert of 99seconds on posters of Harley riders set against different landscapes. The posters became so sought after that people began tearing them down from construction barricades and other public displays to keep them as collectors’ items. Common Ground is a co-production of Toronto’s Zulu Aplpha Kilo’s content studio, zulubot, and Artifact Nonfiction out of LA.