Baldwin& Collaborates On 360 Hot Takes
Ponysaurus, North Carolina Brewery of the Year, always has a point of view on things. And with the addition of their own brand of pizza, they decided to show off how well-rounded their pies are by sharing the 360 points of view they hold dearest. Each box contains 90 hot takes – some funny, some in support of social justice, some specific, some sincere. When you put all four boxes together, you not only complete the 360 degrees of pizza roundness, but you also earn a free beer.
“This was a fun project, with nearly everyone at the agency and Ponysaurus writing points of view. It’s a great way to get to know people, and what weirdos we all are,” said Mitch Bennett, Executive Creative Director of Baldwin&, the Raleigh-based agency that worked with Ponysaurus on the launch. “For instance, ‘Snakes are cute.’ Ew.” Coming in at over 4,000 words, it’s arguably the most copy ever printed on a pizza box. But as the boxes themselves admit, “Reading is hard. Let us do it for you,” directing people to Pizzabox: The Audiobook where a professional voice talent reads all 360 points of view.
“Pizza and beer have always brought people together. We wanted to use our pizza boxes to inspire conversation and debate,” said Sarah Voran, Director of Marketing & Strategic Development at Ponysaurus. “And to turn a boring pizza delivery device into something fun.” The boxes direct people to take the debate online. “Disagree to agree? Let’s talk about it: #PizzaWithAPoint”.
The first 20 points follow:
1. Beer is good
2. Cold beer is best
3. Beards are just another form of makeup
4. Velvet is too soft
5. “L-M-N-O-P” should be one letter
6. If dolphins are so smart, let’s see their SAT scores
7. Your cursive is impossible to read
8. Straws are lame. Drink with your face
9. The Godfather Part III isn’t underrated
10. Armadillos are a mistake
11. The death penalty is wrong
12. The Beatles > The Stones
13. The Stones > pretty much everything else
14. The G.O.T. book series could still end well
15. The chunkier the ice cream, the better
16. Don’t be mean to people
17. Puns are fun; we should stop pun-shaming
18. Weird is good
19. Spending time outdoors makes you happier
20. Sans serif fonts are better
Pizza Box Credits:
Client: Ponysaurus Brewing Company, Partners – Nick Hawthorne-Johnson, David Baldwin, Director of Marketing – Sarah Voran
Agency: Baldwin&, Executive Creative Director – Mitch Bennett, Director of Design – Jen Matthews, Designer – Jenny Thackham, Studio Artist – Regan Wood, Associate Creative Director – Scott Chalkley, Director of Project Management – Tonya Martin, Photographer – Bob Ranew
Writers: Alexa Ingle, Caity Barnes, David Baldwin, David Dykes, Donnine Canamar, Emily Watson, Greta Bennett, Jen Hazelett, Jen Matthews, Jenny Thackham, Jerry Bodrie, Kateri David, Kelly Reed, Kevin Grealey, Lauren Stanton, Matt Wood, Mitch Bennett, Phil Simons, Regan Wood, Renée Tufillaro, Scott Chalkey, Troy Harris II