Brandpie Delivers Unitary AmeriCorps Brand

Global consultancy Brandpie has created a new visual identity and brand strategy for AmeriCorps, an organization that brings people together to serve communities. Because there was no single story, different parts of the organization were telling different narratives, which made it confusing for audiences to connect with the overarching story of AmeriCorps.


The solution: a streamlined unitary brand – AmeriCorps – and the repositioning of Senior Corps as a supporting brand – AmeriCorps Seniors. To further highlight the new identity, Brandpie created a modern logomark that features three stripes forming the crossbar of the ‘A’ to incorporate flag symbolism, while creating an intriguing negative space. Also included: an updated color palette and a new contemporary typeface that will reflect the approachable and welcoming nature of the organization. Brandpie also extended the branding to the organization’s website, brand video, and additional assets for social media and print, alongside a refreshed tone of voice and messaging framework.



In addition, two pillars of the organization – “The best of America” and “Unite, Strengthen, Impact, Lead” – are being used to guide and inspire photography selection, provide direction on video production, and round out the details of the new identity elements.