LRXD has helped client Natural Sins reintroduce its family of crispy fruit and vegetable chips with a new package design. The goal: create attention-grabbing bags that communicate the related messages of freshness, simplicity, all-natural, and sourced from Costa Rica. The design solution starts at the top of each bag where copy reads “just two ingredients.” The centerpiece of each package is a whole piece of fruit or vegetable — mango, pineapple, beet, coconut — with the upper portion thinly sliced. One piece is extracted and flipped to illustrate a cross section. Bags are color-coded, stamped with reference to its individual produce and country of origin to evoke cargo, while a faint map of Costa Rica can be seen in the background.
Small icons verify a gluten-free, non-GMO, certified vegan, Paleo friendly and Kosher status. Finally, a text strip reinforces the key message by describing Natural Sins as “the un-potato chip.” Kelly Reedy, Chief Creative Officer at LRXD, explains: “We wanted the message to show that the product is a delicious, healthy alternative to the conventional potato chip.” In addition to Kelly Reedy, credits go to Kent Ervin for design and photography, and Erik Kiker for copy.