5 Reasons Why Package Designers Can’t Miss HOW Design Live

andrew_headshot20161Guest Blogpost By Andrew Gibbs, Founder of The Dieline

Five unforgettable days — that’s exactly what you sign up for when you register to attend HOW Design Live. Although basically anyone who’s ever attended will encourage you to go, the topic of design can feel pretty broad. Designers, creative leaders, business owners, and marketing professionals alike attend HOW Design Live, but is it worthwhile for package designers?

As the founder of The Dieline worldwide packaging design website, I’m incredibly proud for The Dieline Conference to be a part of HOW Design Live. Since 2011, the conference has brought some of the industry’s top leaders to speak about their work, trends, successes, failures, and innovation. For package designers like yourself around the world, this is a career-changing, can’t-miss experience — and here are just a few reasons why.

1. Attend The Dieline Conference, The Largest Packaging Design Event of the Year

Your Big Ticket to HOW Design Live grants you entry into The Dieline Conference, the most comprehensive package design event of its kind, for designers who work on brands and packaged products. This year will have a strong focus on in-house design, including trends, technique, and the design journey. For those looking to take their craft to the next level and gain insight on the future of the industry, this is the must-attend event of the year. You’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of your process and the next tangible steps for your career.

2. See The World’s Biggest Consumer Product Brands in Action

The Dieline Conference always has international lineup of designers from some of the world’s top brands, and I’m beyond excited for this year’s speakers. Target, Coca-Cola, Colgate Palmolive, Nestlé, Method…these are just a few of the global brands that you’ll find there. Between case studies, hands-on workshops, panel discussions, and enlightening Q&As at the end of each session, you’ll get an in-depth look at challenges of the industry and how to design for tomorrow.

3. Experience The Dieline Awards 2017 Winners Exhibit

Every year, The Dieline Awards formally recognizes the absolute best in packaging design worldwide, and the winners become a part of a traveling exhibit that begins at HOW Design Live. I am consistently blown away by the talent and innovation found in the winning projects and they’re always a highlight of the conference. The 2017 winners will be announced at HOW Design Live during the opening keynote, and will make their premiere in the exhibit hall, giving you the first chance to examine some of the most inventive and creative packaging of the year up-close.


4. Explore Chicago, A Hub For Consumer Packaged Goods

For its eighth year, HOW Design Live returns to Chicago. I honestly couldn’t think of a more vibrant city for designers to gather, connect, and better understand the power of packaging design. Not only is this where The Dieline Conference began, but this city is also full to the brim with art, culture, architecture, history, and endless creativity. With Chicago being such a major hub for consumer packaged goods, you can expect to be in good company with your fellow attendees. Network away!

5. Learn How To Deal In Our Rapidly Changing Industry

How can you keep up with the fast-changing nature of consumer behavior in this digital age? You must be informed about trends and know how to adapt. HOW Design Live and The Dieline Conference shake up your industry knowledge and the way you approach your work. Leaders in packaging design — like Debbie Millman, Mauro Porcini, and Pum Lefebure—will share their experiences and answer your targeted questions, giving you a refreshed perspective and preparing you for the future of packaging.

Bonus: Inspiration for days. If you’re looking to relight that fire in your belly, then consider this the flame. See you in Chicago!