Head Start services in the Bay Area are delivered by an organization called the Institute for Human and Social Development – an unapproachable and complicated name that doesn’t convey the breadth or spirit of the educational and family services that IHSD provides. The organization needed a new name, identity and brand story that could rally their staff, teachers and families, and raise awareness of IHSD among potential donors. Inspired by the diversity of people in San Mateo County, Stitzlein Studio gave the Institute a playful and memorable new name – Izzi – and a visual identity that is in motion and full of color.
The foundation of the identity is a family of sea creatures that can be used interchangeably. They give Izzi a sense of life, spontaneity and curiosity unique to children. The identity is complemented by a brand manifesto called “Rising Tide” which reflects the shared success of the community and references its proximity to the Pacific Ocean.
Credits include creative direction and brand strategy by Joe and Leslie Stitzlein; brand writing and naming by Austin Howe; art direction by Alexandre Henriques and Hymn; graphic design by Catherine Pouly and Alexandre Alvarez; and motion design by Anthony Velen and John Le at Widgets & Stone.