GDUSA People to Watch 2018


GDUSA starts each year by choosing a group of People To Watch who embody the spirit of the creative community.

Individuals we have come to know and respect for a combination of talent, leadership, success, newsworthiness and community service. In a field so deep in talent and broad in numbers, this is clearly a subjective process. Still, for five decades, it has seemed to work out pretty well: the roster of past participants is star-studded, to say the least. The 2018 group adds to the lustre.

Debbie Barnett Richard Ljoenes
Danielle Beal Chris Martinie
Scott Buschkuhl Brenda Milis
Rick Caballo Trish Olives
Maurice Cherry Bailey Parkerson
Daniel Doernemann Tsilli Pines
Hans Dorsinville Julie Ruiz
Tina Essmaker DeAnn Sena OConnor
Stephanie Gelabert Jason Severs
AJ Goehle Leta Sobierajski
Paula Hansanugrum Jeff Strahl
Chris Harrold Elliot Strunk
Smrita Jain Jenn Stucker
Courtney Jernigan Haraldur Thorleifsson
Theresa Koenig Laura Wallace
Holly Kowalski Hugh Weber
Meghan Labot Kelly Welch Farquhar
Jonathan Lee Stuart Whitworth
Kendra Lively

Past People to Watch

View Last Year’s People To Watch